Global Journal of Allergy Submit Manuscript

    Editor Guidelines

    Scientific journal Editors has responsibility towards the authors, peer reviewers, journal readers and scientific community. Editors should greatly maintain and improve standards of the Journal by handling meticulous peer review process in the sense of quality. The important role of an editor is to pick up accurate reviewer in a particular field to enhance the quality of the manuscript. Editor should determine that the submitted manuscripts are suitable to scope of the journal or not, after that which are generally reviewed by minimum two experts and handling editor, here review comments are considered; in any case editor decision remains final. Editor's responsibility is to provide his/her final decision based on the novelty and quality of the manuscript after the completion of peer review process. Finally the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts depends on the recommendation from peer reviewers as well as from editor.

    Editor Responsibilities
    1. First of all editors should evaluate and disseminate the scientific material whether it is suitable to scope of the journal/not, and should determine the following points:
      • Is the research question posed important, original and well defined?
      • Is the data sound and well controlled, explanation (discussion and conclusion) well supported and balanced by the data?
      • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the submitted research work?
    2. Normally each editor has to review/process at least two manuscripts per month
    3. Editor consistently improves the journal standards by handling meticulous peer review
    4. They should communicate with other board members of that particular journal regarding steady stream of articles, peer-review process, reviewers response within the deadline set, quality of published material
    5. They should have skills to rewrite the manuscripts which may have poorly written sometimes
    6. Should Provide guidelines to authors for preparing, submitting manuscripts and making revised version according to peer review comments
    7. Making editorial decisions with reasonable rate and communicating them in a clear and positive manner
    8. Editor should provide the guidelines to editorial office to get quality manuscripts from authors/contributors in constructive manner
    9. Editor can easily take the decision based on the reviewer's detailed and constructive comments that will be helpful to the authors to their progressive manuscripts
    10. Editor /reviewer should comment on paper as it is Major revision/Minor revision/Re-review

    Confidentiality: All information of the research work must be confidential by the Editors/reviewrs and the publication staff.


    Timeline for manuscript processing
    1. Editor should respond to assigned notification from Editorial Office within 24 to 48 hours
    2. They have to assign the reviewers or if the editor is busy with other commitments, he can assign his editorial duties to Editorial Office at the same time
    3. To reviewers, a time lag for peer review process is 7 to 10 days depends upon reviewer request
    4. A time lag to author regarding revision of the manuscript is 5 to 10 days based on the decision of editor such as major revision, minor revision and re-review.
    5. Editor should provide his precious decision for publication/rejection of the manuscript within 24 to 48 hours after receiving the revised version
    6. Publishing Group should provide the final research work in online within three business working days from the accepted date
    Benefits for Editors
    1. In newly launched journal, first issue will be released with minimum 5 to 7 manuscripts with free of cost which should be submitted by editor
    2. If the editor brings the membership from any institution/university to editorial office, the editorial office will give 5% reward to him/her
    3. Editor can receive complete waiver on publication fee for two articles such as one editorial and one research/review
    4. Note: If the editor has funding sources, then the editorial office will request the editor to pay the minimum publication fee to maintain the open access publication in an organized way
    5. Editor can get more benefits from our organization, if he really works on getting the articles, conducting meetings with other board members; increase the citations, indexing the journals and improvement of the journal standards
