Global Journal of Allergy Submit Manuscript

    Human Animal Rights

    Global Journal of Allergy (Allergy) has formulated policies to ensure protection and proper use of animals and human in all forms of research. It is mandatory for the authors reporting experiments with the involvement of animals and human subjects to adhere to following facets:

    1. The authors should include a statement in the "Methods" section of the article that they have identified the related institutional and/or licensing committee and have taken approval from the committee for their experiments. They should also mention the address of the committee.
    2. The authors should declare that they have conducted all experiments in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations of the committee.
    3. If an author performs experimental studies involving client-owned animals, he/she must present an acceptance document from the client about best practices in animal testing. Field studies and other non-experimental research on animals must observe institutional, national, or international guidelines, and wherever available should have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee.
    4. The authors involved in research and experiments involving human subjects must confirm that informed consent was obtained from all participants and/or their legal guardians.

    The U.S. Public Health Service's Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (PHS policy) and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals describe general policies and procedures designed to ensure the humane and appropriate use of live vertebrate animals in all forms of medical research. Allergy finds the policies and procedures set forth in the PHS policy and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals to be both necessary and sufficient to ensure a high standard of animal care. The researchers are expected to conduct their animal research in compliance with PHS policy.

    The Editor-In-Chief will evaluate the submitted manuscripts on animal well-being issues and if the research found to be inconsistent with commonly accepted norms of using the animal and human subjects, the manuscript is liable to be rejected. The Editor-In-Chief also reserve the right to contact the approving committee for any further clarification.

    Researchers please note that they have a moral obligation towards the animals and human subjects they use for their research goals and they must treat them with compassion and consider their well-being while designing the projects.
