Global Journal of Allergy Submit Manuscript

    Plagiarism Policy

    Global Journal of Allergy (Allergy) work with a belief that Plagiarism is not only illegal but also unethical and caustic.

    Plagiarism occurs when one author uses the work of another author without his/her permission or credit. Plagiarism takes different forms such as copying, paraphrasing or reproduction of the same work.

    Reproducing a work word for word, i.e. verbatim representation of another scholar work without acknowledging original source is a clear example of plagiarism and it can be detected easily by comparing the submitted paper with the previously published paper. The indulgence in plagiarism is also evident if an author does not reproduce the exact words used in the original work. This type of reproduction of previously published content is known as paraphrasing, and it is the most difficult type of plagiarism to detect.

    In order to support the scientific community, Allergy are committed to protect the reliability of the scholarly manuscript in all aspects of research and publishing ethics. We judge the quantity and quality of the copied content for its relevance to the original source.

    The Quality Control Department of Allergy detects and judges the case of plagiarism. The journal uses iThenticate software to check plagiarism in the submitted manuscripts. If plagiarism is detected at any stage of publication process before and after acceptance or during editing or proof reading stage, the authors are alerted to make the changes and cite the original source.

    Plagiarism is generally found in these ways:

    1. Authors have copied someone else work and claim that work as their own.
    2. Authors indulge in self-plagiarism, copy their own previously published article.

    The exclusion at the time of conducting plagiarism check should be limited to the following:

    2. Bibliography
    3. Phrases
    4. Mathematical Formula
    5. Name of Institutions, Departments etc.

    Plagiarism policy guidelines for the authors:

    If plagiarism is detected by Quality Control Team/ Editorial Board Members/Reviewers at the time of Manuscript Submission Confirmation or in any stage of manuscript processing then the authors are alerted and asked to rewrite the content or to cite the references from where the content has been taken.

    In case 20%-25% of the paper is found to be plagiarized, the article is liable to be rejected and the same is notified to the author. If such is the case then manuscript will not be given Manuscript tracking ID and the same is sent back to author for revision and resubmission.

    The scholars can also show their commitment towards scientific community by helping in publication of quality articles. If you come across a case of plagiarism in any journal from any publisher, please do inform the editorial office(s) of all the involved journals, giving them the journal names, title of manuscripts, name of authors, volume number, issue number, year of publication and any other information that you have. The editorial offices will handle the cases as per their policy.

    In case the Plagiarism is detected after publication, Allergy will conduct an initial investigation. The authors are contacted and the paper containing the plagiarism will be marked on each page of the PDF. Depending on the extent of the plagiarism, the paper may also be formally retracted.

    In the case of a publication being submitted that was originally published in another language, the title, date and journal of the original publication must be identified by the authors, and the copyright must be obtained. The editor may accept such a translated publication to bring it to the attention of a wider audience. In case author wants to use material from the other work then it is mandatory to cite the same in references. Otherwise the author needs to change the language completely and use his/ her own language.

    Self-plagiarism involves verbatim representation of significant portions of one's own copyrighted work without citing the original source. Please note that self-plagiarism does not apply to publications based on the author's own previously copyrighted work where clear reference is made to the prior publication.

    Plagiarism is a severe breach of commitment towards research and development and it also detracts the value of original and honest scholarly work. Allergy hereby appeal that all scholars encompass fairness and responsibility in developing plagiarism-free manuscripts.
