Background: To evaluate aerobic capacity and muscle function in patients with Relapsing Polychondritis (RP).
Methods: A cross-sectional single center study evaluated seven women with RP (McAdam criteria) that were compared to seven healthy control individuals matched for age, gender, and body mass index. Both groups performed a treadmill-graded maximal exercise. Aerobic capacity was assessed by peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak), time at anaerobic Ventilatory Threshold (VAT) and Respiratory Compensation Point (RCP) and time-to-exhaustion. Muscle function was evaluated through the sit-to-stand and the timed up-and-go test.
Results: RP patients had an average age of 52.7 years. Disease was stable with at least one immunosuppressive drug and without glucocorticoid. Patients showed an impaired aerobic capacity characterized by lower VO2 peak (relative and absolute), and lower time-to-exhaustion. Furthermore, patients had also a tendency to impairment in lower extremities muscle function, when compared with control group.
Main findings: In the present study, patients with RP show a tendency to impaired aerobic capacity and lower extremities muscle function when compared with healthy individuals. Further studies should confirm the present findings.
Published on: Apr 7, 2020 Pages: 7-10
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DOI: 10.17352/raoa.000012
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