Global Journal of Allergy Submit Manuscript

    Open Access (OA) Policy

    Open Access: Meaning

    Open Access is defined as a mechanism to make available literatures on the public internet freely and permitting the users to read, download or copy and use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. Open access is a new step in digital publishing arena where the author's intrinsic merit of research and scholarly contributions is made available online without any specific charges.

    Peertechz fundamentals

    Peertechz Gold OA makes the final version of a manuscript freely and permanently accessible for everyone, immediately after publication. Nevertheless, Copyright for the article is retained by the authors. Open Access dais has provided several advancements and free accessibility at your net but not pay-to-download. Authors can publish their research work with least charge in our site, their articles are easily accessed by reader and used providing proper citations. Peertechz Journals strictly follows all the Open Access policies. Our content is universally available in easily readable formats on internet. All the published content is permanently with us and we use Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to locate the Articles throughout the world.

    Open Access allows everyone using Peertechz scholarly journals to copy, distribute and transmit the work freely without any financial or legal barrier. The Copyright for the article is retained by the authors.

    Advantages of Open Access Policy

    • Open Access allows everyone using Peertechz scholarly journals to copy, distribute and transmit the work freely without any financial or legal barrier.
    • It provides opportunity for the Authors to learn from the previous researches and line-up innovative extension to the past scholarly published works.
    • Open Access enables the authors to use the available information for viable and marketable purposes; however it is their ethical responsibility to cite the original creator and composer of the work.
    • Open Access mechanism ease out unrestricted access to any published literature online. The full text of Open Access publications can be freely read over the public internet.
    • Open Access has also opened a new avenue in the field of learning and experience with the help of free scholarly publications. When the readership scope increases for the publications it directly enhances the impact of the articles which helps the authors in getting citations credits.
    • Open Access is a medium to provide an opportunity for the improvement of scientific quality assurance by not only being fully compatible with traditional peer review, but also enabling public, collaborative or community peer review.
    • The interactive forums and discussions are more flexible in Open Access thus helping scientific community to facilitate quality improvement of scientific publications.
