Advances in Toxicology and Toxic Effects aims to be the Journal of primary interest for those practicing toxicological Effects, whether in hospitals, poison centres, academia, government or industry. This Journal aims to develop coherent means to modify drug therapy, with respect to the patient’s genotype, and to ensure maximum efficiency with minimal contrary effects.
Advances in Toxicology and Toxic Effects is a peer reviewed academic and distinguished Journal, which covers the outstanding and most update research works/peak quality papers. It provides consistent information to update online viewers with the adapted methods and latest advancements in the field of toxicology. Manuscript will be published in more formats which is never found in other open access platforms. It is dedicated to publishing and disseminating all the update and top-tier original research articles, reviews, case reports, editorials, letter to editor, commentaries, short communications, Perspectives, and opinions etc.
The scope of the Journal includes the study of all types of toxic substances, mechanisms of toxicity, toxicological testing and discovery, diagnosis, management, mitigation and prevention of toxicity resulting from poisons, chemicals, medications, carcinogens, antibiotics, food additives, food contaminants, environmental pollutants and other toxic substances and their effects on health. Advances in Toxicology and Toxic Effects publishes original research, latest developments, review papers, scientific data, editorials from leading scientists and scholars around the world including but not limited to, the following disciplines:
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