
    Open Access Research Article Article ID: AAP-10-124

    Kissing Balloons Angioplasty for Infra-genicular Lower Limb Critical Ischemia

    M Ayman Fakhry*, Sohiel Nagib and A Elabd

    Background: This study aimed to analyze the technical aspects and follow-up findings regarding patients with critical limb ischemia who underwent the Kissing Balloon Technique (KBT). 

    Methods: 20 patients (22 bifurcations) were enrolled in this retrospective analysis between September 2020 and February 2022. All patients were submitted to infrapopletial intervention for critical limb ischemia. The KBT is the primary treatment in 3 situations: for cases with > 70% stenosis of the main artery located less than 1 cm of the bifurcation, occlusion of one branch with greater than 50% stenosis of the contralateral branch, or greater than 50% bilateral stenosis. 

    Results: Primary patency at 30 days, 1 year, and 2 years was 100%, 68.1%, and 68.1, respectively. Limb salvage rates at 30 days, 1 year, and 2 years were 100%, 86.6%, and 65.0%, respectively. Wound healing rates at 30 days, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years were 7.1%, 34.4%, 44.5%, and 68.7%, respectively. The bifurcations of the V-shape and T-shape groups were compared in terms of wound healing, primary patency, and limb salvage. No differences were observed in wound healing (P ¼ 0.268), primary patency (P ¼ 0.394), and limb salvage (P ¼ 0.755). 

    Conclusion: The KBT is a feasible bifurcation approach for infrapopletial angioplasties to maintain the patency of both branches after ballooning. The comparison between the anterior tibial artery and tibioperoneal trunk bifurcation and the peroneal artery and posterior tibial artery bifurcation revealed no difference in wound healing, primary patency, and limb salvage.


    Published on: Jan 4, 2025 Pages: 1-5

    Full Text PDF Full Text HTML DOI: 10.17352/aap.000024
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